Salmon and trout are difficult species to distinguish. Trout have plenty of black spots also below the rib line. The salmon has few spots and they focus on the front of the body. Trout have plenty of spots on the gill cover. The upper jaw of the salmon extends only flat to the back of the eye, with trout it goes behind the back of the eye. The base of the salmon tail is narrower than that of trout. You get a good grip on the salmon's tail. For trout, this is more difficult. The tail fin of the trout is straight, the tail fin of the salmon has a notch. In some cases, the salmon tail may be flat. The breast and belly snout of salmon are pointed, while those of trout are rounder. The surest way to distinguish between species is in the mouth bone. The teeth of the salmon humerus are in a straight line.
Images © Sakke Yrjölä
Salmons and trouts that breed in the wild, there is a andipose fin between the dorsal and caudal fins. This fin has been removed from the fish planted. All salmons and trouts with andipose fin must be released. We also encourage the release all trouts and salmons without andipose fin to ensure the strengthening of wild fish stocks. Even these fish are important for the future of the river.
Kuvat © Sakke Yrjölä